Off The Record
Off The Record
Accelerating Human Connection
Studies show that having meaningful conversations makes us happier people. The same studies show that we have them less than 50% of the time.

Photographers: Demetrius Washington & Ren Adkins
Creative Direction: Kate Tarantieva

Brand Strategy
Physical & Digital Marketing Collateral
Visual Identity
Sourcing & Procurement
Product Design & Engineering
Print Media
Design DNA
Prototype Fabrication

With plenty of card games on the market, our goal was to ensure we clearly positioned Off The Record’s unique solution as a tool. Using human behavior, we explored how people currently have conversations, so we can meet them where they currently are - small talk - and take them to where they want to go - closer relationships with others.

The result? Off The Record: The Game - containing 45 cards, 90 questions, 2 questions per card. The first question opens up the conversation, while the follow-up question dives deeper. Together with the game, we created Off The Record’s bespoke apparel suite and filmed pilot episodes for their social media-hosted mini-show of the same name.